2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Business Administration, Manufacturing Management Concentration, A.S.
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The Associate degree program in Business Administration provides a foundation in business that will prepare students for direct entry into the workforce or to pursue a baccalaureate degree. The Business Administration curriculum helps students comprehend the underlying business principles and develop the ability to analyze and solve problems faced by managers whether in corporations, small businesses, government agencies or nonprofit organizations.
The program provides an introduction to business and its global connections. It addresses business law and ethics, corporate social responsibility, social enterprise, business planning and development, effective leadership, as well as the fundamentals of accounting, budgeting, and marketing principles. Students also explore the basics of business communication, economic theories and effective forecasting.
Each student builds a business plan relevant to his or her career aspirations that integrates skills and knowledge learned in the various courses. An optional 150-hour internship may be undertaken at the end of the student’s program where classroom experiences will be applied in a real business environment. Wherever possible, the specific business chosen for the internship will reflect the student’s desired career goal.
Manufacturing Management Concentration
This concentration is designed to introduce students to the modern manufacturing environment. While rounding out their skills in lean manufacturing principles, this concentration prepares students to take nationally-recognized, portable credential exams for Certified Production Technician (CPT). Students will be tested on safety; quality practices and measurement; manufacturing process and production; and maintenance awareness from the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC). Students must pass all four exams to earn the CPT. This concentration will also prepare students to take the nationally-recognized, portable credential as a Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) by passing exams in logistics from MSSC. Students must pass two logistics exams to earn the CLT. Additionally, students who complete this concentration may take the MSSC green manufacturing credentialing exam. Students may further seek to earn the Certificate in Manufacturing & Production and apply all of this coursework toward a bachelor degree.
Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of all program requirements, graduates of the Associate of Science in Business will be able to:
- Students will prepare a business plan, including sections around; executive summary, budget/projections, marketing, and management team. Students will be able to explain the importance of all aspects of the business plan.
- Students will be able to communicate concisely, articulately, and professionally in writing and verbally about various aspects of business, including the importance of a business plan and it’s sections, financial information, management and leadership, as well as marketing. Students will be able to display through communication understanding of these aspects within business.
- Students will be able to evaluate external factors affecting business; local, regional, national, and global. Students will be able identify external factors influencing the business environment.
- Students will be able to identify critical data to aide in business decision making. Students will be able to acquire and summarize business data for decision making.
- Students will be able to differentiate between what is meant by leadership versus management. Students will be able to apply leadership and management principles in a business environment. Students will be able to realize the importance considering all stakeholders in business decisions.
- Students will be able to determine and explain the importance of corporate social responsibility and ethics in the business environment.
Graduation Requirements
Students must complete all graduation requirements as stated in the catalog. In addition, students must maintain a GPA of 2.3 in the major.
General Education Requirements - 21-22 Credits
- ENG 101 - English Composition Credit(s): 3
- ENG 1XX - English Elective Credit(s): 3
- MATH 1XX - Mathematics (MATH) Credit(s): 3
- Science (BIO, CHEM, SCI) Credit(s): 3-4
- Social Science (PSY or SOC) Credit(s): 3
- Humanities (HIS, PHIL, SPAN, HUM) Credit(s): 3
- General Education Elective Credit(s): 3 **
**Elective credits may be from any General Education course, unless directed by the Program. General Education courses contain the following prefixes: ENG, MATH, STAT, CAP, COM, BIO, CHEM, SCI, HIS, HUM, PHIL, SPAN, PSY, and SOC. Non Major Core Requirements - 3 Credits
Business Major Core Requirements - 24 Credits
Electives - 3 Credits
- BUS 1XX - Elective Credit(s): 3
OR - ACC 1XX - Accounting Elective Credit(s): 3
Directed elective courses may be taken in Business (BUS), Accounting (ACC), Economics (ECN), Management and Leadership (OS), or Manufacuring (BMM) at the appropriate levels. Total Credits in the Program 60-61
Manufacturing Management Concentration Requirements - 12 Credits
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