Goodwin University’s general education requirements embody our mission and values. The coursework cultivates well-rounded individuals by fostering critical thinking, effective communication, and ethical decision-making. This strong foundation goes beyond simply preparing students for a specific career, benefiting students personally and professionally. Goodwin University graduates are prepared to tackle complex problems, engage diverse perspectives, and navigate an ever-changing world while fostering a lifelong love of learning and a commitment to responsible citizenship.
General Education Requirements for Associate Degrees
All students enrolled in associate degree programs must complete a minimum of 21 credits in general education. - ENG 101 - English Composition Credit(s): 3
- English (ENG) Credit(s): 3
- Math (MATH) Credit(s): 3
- Science (BIO, CHEM, SCI) Credit(s): 3-4
- Social Science (PSY, SOC) Credit(s): 3
- Humanities (HIS, PHIL, SPAN, HUM) Credit(s): 3
- General Education Elective Credit(s): 3
Total Credits: 21-22
Elective credits may be from any General Education course, unless directed by the program. General Education courses contain the following prefixes: ENG, MATH, CAP, COM, BIO, CHEM, SCI, HIS, HUM, PHIL, SPAN, PSY, SOC.
General Education Requirements for Bachelor’s Degrees
All students enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs must complete a minimum of 40 credits in general education. - ENG 101 - English Composition Credit(s): 3
- English (ENG) Credit(s): 6
- Math (MATH) Credit(s): 3
- Science (BIO, CHEM, SCI) Credit(s): 4
- Social Science (PSY and SOC) Credit(s): 6
- Humanities (HIS, PHIL, SPAN, HUM) Credit(s): 3
- General Education Electives Credit(s): 15
Total Credits: 40
Elective credits may be from any General Education course, unless directed by the program. General Education courses contain the following prefixes: ENG, MATH, CAP, COM, BIO, CHEM, SCI, HIS, HUM, PHIL, SPAN, PSY, SOC.